I made a deal with God again: ‘I’m sorry, God, here I am again, asking for your grace again.’" Pratt added that after God "saved" his son, his faith was "cemented." Though Pratt and Faris ...
sorry, I pray to God you don't die, I'm so sorry." Hurtado can still be heard apologizing and saying he was calling the cops, according to the police report. The second man ran to his car and ...
Themes: saying sorry; forgiveness; the importance of apologising; making up with friends after a falling out. Jonah prayed - prayed for a second chance... Jonah is told by God that he must go to ...
Themes: saying sorry; forgiveness; the importance of apologising; making up with friends after a falling out. Jonah is told by God that he must go to Nineveh and tell the people living there to ...