Colla McParland is restoring Sorona, an S-class cruiser with a rich history, after discovering her at Silvery Light Sailing ...
The increase in the market is primarily driven by the growing number of environmental-aware consumers and also the more stringent g ...
Dalton, GA, November 18--According to Mohawk Industries, its new SmartStrand fiber made with DuPont’s Sorona® Polymer is the “biggest fiber innovation in 20 years.” That’s how strongly ...
The fiber, called Sorona, is made from PDO, or 1,3 Propanediol, which is produced by the bacteria. For decades, DuPont scientists have known about PDO as a byproduct of petroleum, which made it ...
它们分布在颈部、锁骨上、肩胛区、胸腹等核心区域,为身体提供热量。 因此,对比成年人,孩子有很好地应对寒冷的机制。 再加上孩子本身基础代谢率也比成人高,也就是安静时候产生的能量更多,更不需要捂太多了。 而且,给孩子捂太多还可能引发健康问题: ① ...
Second edition of VIATT focuses on sustainability, digitalisation, and global collaboration. 24th February 2025. Knitting ...
I'm a sleep expert who has tested mattresses, sheets, pillows and bedding for years. If you're ready to upgrade, this list of the best comforters has you covered. To help you choose the best comforter ...
S&S Activewear officially launched AllPro, its new brand of high-quality, competitively priced apparel for the corporate ...