The city of Reno recently started a tree removal and maintenance project at Virginia Lake Park. Over the next few months, ...
Umengameli waMaZulu FC, uSandile Zungu, uveza ukuthi babone kufanele bamkhulule umqeqeshi uVusumuzi Vilakazi ukuze akwazi ...
From Brasília to Budapest, a global network of far-right forces has grown to include parties and politicians, judges and journalists, foundations and financiers, academics and oligarchs. This ...
UCUBUZE amagabade kubalandeli umqeqeshi weKaizer Chiefs, uNasreddine Nabi, kulandela impoxo yesibhaxu esibuyisele leli qembu ...
Crime, drug taking and more.. ‘They come into our crowded restaurant, ask for cigarettes, money - or steal spoons to inject themselves with.’ ...
Belk? Sibê,库尔德语意为“或许明天”,是一部关于左翼国际主义志愿兵的电影,由一位前武装战士拍摄。影片以叙利亚东北部罗贾瓦(Rojava)库尔德斯坦地区为背景,展现了叙利亚民主力量(Syrian Democratic Forces,缩写为SDF)在18个月间与伊斯兰国(缩写为ISIS或Daesh)的作战以及革命历程。
Christian Picciolini, a former leader of the American white-supremacist skinhead movement, explores how so many young people ...
当我们生活在一个充满纷争和动荡的世界中,常常希望能窥见人性最原始的光辉。纪录片《或许明天》(Belkî Sibê)便是一部将这一主题深入探讨的作品。它不仅是一幅关于战斗的画卷,更是一段关于希望与人性的心灵之旅,带领观众走进了叙利亚东北部的库尔德斯坦地区。在这部由导演亚历克西斯·达卢米斯(Alexis Daloumis)执导的影片中,观众可以感受到一种紧迫而真实的生命情感。
@m0manii Yeah I’ll need about 10 more of these… “Sibe Mnandi”@Stanley Brand #fyp ♬ SHAKE AH (feat. Tony Duardo, Optimist Music ZA & Ez Maestro) - Tyla ...