Beer is multiple fermentation, in which enzymes in the malt convert the starch in the wheat into sugar, which is then fermented with yeast. A: Sake has long been considered a sacred gift from the ...
When he did drink at home, he chose shochu, shochu-based “chuhai” beverages and canned beer, thinking he should finish them soon after they were opened. “Sake products available at ...
Also no. See, sake sits in this weird category that kind of defies classification. If anything, the brewing process is closest to beer -- though the result certainly isn't. The answer why has to ...
For example, a single shot of spirits is only 1 unit, while a standard glass of wine is 2.1 units, and a 5.2% ABV beer has 3 units. Meanwhile, a 100-milliliter serving of 16% ABV sake has just 1 ...