Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble or water-soluble based on how the body absorbs and stores them. The fat-soluble vitamins—A, D, E, and K—are absorbed with fat and stored in the liver, ...
Michael Patrick O’Leary I had one of those silly arguments on Facebook which arise from my contrarian nature forcing me to try to squash a stranger coming forward with some received wisdom with no ...
Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and immune function. When is the best time to take vitamin D supplements? Here's how to take vitamin D safely, according to experts.
Last week, while I was going to town, a neighbor and friend from church asked me what I knew was an orange-like small tree that begins with C. He knew that I understood plants. I said, “Calamondin.” I ...
But, all fiber is not created equal. In fact, there are actually two types of nutrient. “Soluble fiber helps improve our blood glucose (blood sugar) control and insoluble fiber helps regulate ...