The U.S. stock market's artificial intelligence boom is facing a setback. On March 3, Nvidia, a leading AI stock, dropped 8.69%, dragging the Nasdaq down 2.64%. The Dow Jones and S&P 500 also fell, by ...
Sophie Muller, the UN Refugee Agency’s new Representative in China, presented her letter of credentials to China’s Ministry ...
As an important part of the national economy, the private sector is the main driver of startups and employment, and a key player in technological innovation. To realize high-quality development, priva ...
在特朗普赢得美国大选后,标普500指数在11月6日上涨2.53%,投资者最初期待特朗普上台后的放松管制和减税措施将超过任何关税影响。标普500指数在2月19日收于6144.15点的峰值,使大选后的总涨幅达到6.25%。这种上涨开始被称为华尔街的“特朗 ...
El desarrollo ecológico, incluida la renovación de edificios y la innovación en la industria fotovoltaica, será el tema central de algunas mesas redondas durante las «dos sesiones», las reuniones anua ...
Arya的评论正值这些芯片股以及其他半导体公司上周收盘全线下跌之际。据Bloomberg News上周援引知情人士报道,特朗普政府正在考虑进一步收紧对中国半导体行业的限制。PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index上周下跌7.2%,而S&P500指数同期下跌约1%。这一跌幅使得PHLX年初至今累计下跌超过5%。
The implementation of the "GBA Standard Contract" allows individuals and institutions in the nine mainland cities in the GBA and Hong Kong to establish standard contracts based on the voluntary ...
El sector chino de semiconductores atraviesa por un aumento de la demanda a medida que las empresas de todo el país aceleran la adopción de la computación en nube y la inteligencia artificial (IA), ...
石油板块:美国五大石油公司,包括埃克森美孚公司、雪佛龙公司、马拉松石油公司、菲利普斯66 公司和瓦莱罗能源公司,尽管它们利润超过800 亿美元,但每年将获得约22 亿美元的减税。
In addition to Shenzhen, other cities across China, including Beijing, Chengdu and Wuhan, have also introduced similar ...