脓毒症,这个如同隐藏在暗处的健康杀手,时刻威胁着全球无数人的生命。它所引发的器官功能障碍,就像一场破坏力巨大的风暴,让身体各个系统陷入混乱。而在这场风暴中,骨骼肌萎缩成为了一个不容忽视的严重问题。据统计,约 40%-70% 的脓毒症患者会出现骨骼肌萎缩的情况,这不仅会导致肌肉进行性消瘦、无力,使患者生活质量严重下降,还极大地增加了患者住院期间和出院后的死亡风险,让无数家庭陷入困境。
reuma.umcn.nl Objective: To study the active involvement of Myeloid-related proteins S100A8 and S100A9 in joint inflammation and cartilage destruction during antigen-induced arthritis (AIA). Methods: ...
研究人员采用了多种关键技术方法。首先构建了结直肠癌原位小鼠模型,通过向小鼠盲肠注射 CT26 - GFP ...
Transcriptomic analysis revealed that AT-1 significantly modulated the expression of S100A8 and S100A9. Further investigations indicated that S100A9, rather than S100A8, mediated the expression of ...
Immune cell activation assays have been widely used for immune monitoring and for understanding disease mechanisms. However, these assays are typically limited in scope. A holistic study of ...
研究人员历时3年,分析1081名18-97岁健康人的130万个免疫细胞,首次绘制出五大免疫细胞的专属"衰老地图"——CD8+T细胞的杀伤力在50岁后断崖式下降42%,单核细胞(monocytes)的炎症因子风暴在60岁后激增3倍,而某些40岁人群的B细胞(B cells)竟保持着25岁的抗体生产效率!更颠覆认知的是,新冠重症患者的单核细胞会突然"衰老"7.8岁,相当于免疫系统经历了一场"时光地震" ...
一句话结论:急性心梗目前全球无药可用,【热景生物】子公司创新药有望抢占“500万人+500亿需求”市场,7倍空间400亿打底 【急性心梗】全球每年500万人无对症药物,死亡率高,愈后差 1.【急性心梗】是由于冠状动脉堵塞导致心肌供血不足,发病突然,死亡率高,全球每年发病约为500万人; 2.【罪魁祸首】心梗致死率高主要是心肌缺血后诱发的一系列免疫反应,心肌细胞受损后得不到修复,进而引发心衰; 3.
This valuable study investigates the immune system's role in pre-eclampsia. The authors map the immune cell landscape of the human placenta and find an increase in macrophages and Th17 cells in ...
Objectives Tendinopathy is a frequent clinical problem and represents an extraordinary health economic and socioeconomic burden with high unmet medical needs. Recent clinical evidence suggests ...
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Guerin Children’s at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, United States Infectious and Immunologic Diseases Research ...