ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- Russia's St. Petersburg commemorated the 81st anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad on Monday with a series of solemn events, including flower-laying ...
“我的艺术核心是快乐、精神和重塑魅力—— 一封重新与自然赠予的宁静相连接的请帖。” “At its core, my art is about happiness, enrichment, and re-enchantment – aninvitation to reconnect with the calmness that nature offers.” 庄红艺在上海宝龙美术馆的首次展览将展出 ...
(ECNS) -- "It will highlight the importance of Chinese festivals to the world.""The Spring Festival is gradually stepping onto the world stage. Let the world see the charm of Chinese festivals." ...
时间表。特朗普政府将在120天公众意见征询期结束前,最终决定AI芯片新出口规则。但AI芯片行业并没有被动等待最终结果。据《纽约时报》报道,信息技术产业协会(Information Technology Industry Council)主席贾森·奥克斯曼周日写信给国会领导人,“提出如果特朗普政府没有否决新规则,请国会介入并利用其权力推翻该行动”。(财富中文网) ...