A humanoid robot, developed by Chinese company EngineAI, showcased a front flip stunt in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province on Sunday. The EngineAI was able to precisely calculate the dynamic ...
Luego de los robots humanoides Unitree, que cautivaron al público del mundo con la danza folclórica Yangge durante la Gala de ...
A humanoid robot performs during an event, attracting crowds in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, Feb. 26, 2025.
O negócio de aluguel de robôs humanoides está ganhando tração na China, pois essas máquinas artificiais complexas despertaram o interesse significativo em todos os setores e mercados de consumo, segun ...
Science volunteers introduced AI, tech innovation, and hands-on experiments to students at Pengshan No. 2 Middle School in ...
为加快推动我国人形机器人产业创新发展,建设制造强国、网络强国和数字中国提供支撑。在上级主管部门的指导下,高登会展联合相关机构共同定于2025年06月20日-22日在杭州大会展中心召开“2025杭州国际人型机器人与机器人技术展览会”,展品范围覆盖机器人 ...
Un perro robot acompaña a una anciana a dar un paseo en un centro de atención a mayores de Hangzhou, provincia oriental china ...
Uma multidão animada frequentemente aplaudia e sorria, enquanto um cão robô chinês chamava a atenção dos espectadores com ...
在科技进步日新月异的时代,股市波动常常成为投资者心中难以预料的主题。精伦电子(股票代码:XXX)于2025年2月26日发布了一则引人注目的公告,引起了市场的高度关注。在过去的三个交易日中,该公司股票价格连续上涨,涨幅累计达到20%。 这一惊人涨幅引发了市场对精伦电子业务的广泛讨论,尤其是部分媒体将其归类到机器人概念上。然而,精伦电子对此发布了明确的澄清,强调其主要产品为机电控制类产品,根本不涉及人 ...
TMTPOST -- MagicBot, a Chinese company specializing in embodied intelligent robots, has successfully developed its first-generation self-researched dexterous hand, the MagicHand S01. The product ...
据悉,重制版《I, Robot》将保留原版游戏的 55 个关卡,并加入“独特的管状射击奖励关卡”。玩家将扮演一个勇敢的牛头机器人,踏上智取全视之眼的冒险旅程。游戏过程中,玩家需在方块间灵活穿梭,翻转前进,同时警惕被敌人抓住。