The hilarious sitcom starred the 2025 Bafta Fellow as ‘the Martin Luther King of little people’. But not everyone saw the ...
The original star and co-creator of The Office wisely realized why he shouldn't be a part of the American remake.
It’s been 20 years since Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant unleashed the character of David Brent on an unsuspecting viewing public and changed television history. Though there were just 14 ...
Ricky Gervais as David Brent in the groundbreaking mockumentary The Office, flanked by a hapless Martin Freeman as Tim and Mackenzie Crook as Gareth, 2003. The page will automatically reload.
Ricky Gervais returns as the tragicomic office worker, this time taking his band on an ill-fated tour of the M25. Comedy. Contains discriminatory language. We’re ...
A BBC documentary team film the office of David Brent, manager from hell: he's tactless and talentless, yet somehow thinks everyone loves him. Comedy Lab pilot starring Ricky Gervais as a ...
Cooper & Webb talent spotters Jude and Ray try to fathom the depths of Wernhams Hogg's high flying manager David Brent ... with the award-winning writers Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant ...
David Brent is on tour with his band Forgone Conclusion. However, tickets sales are not enough to keep the band afloat so Brent has to dip into his pension. Meanwhile, he is being filmed for a ...
Actor and comedian Ricky Gervais has spoken out against ... and that's how the film starts." Gervais' new movie "David Brent: Life on the Road" will premiere on Netflix on February 10, 2017.