The “ESP32 IoT Relay Board” is a credit card-sized ESP32 board with four small 250VAC/30VDC 7A relays that runs Tasmota open-source firmware and supports Alexa & Google Assistant for voice control.
A teardown of the device reveals a XIAO-ESP32C3 module with an ESP32-C3 chip acting as the central controller. On the other side, you’ll see the small HLK-5M05 power module and two HF35F-L 10A 250VAC ...
The clock uses a TinyPICO ESP32 module to gather the data and handle the clock display. A second wall-mounted device shows real-time energy readings for both gas and electricity using two old ...
项目采用ESP32主控,TC4056电池管理(已验证),CS4344音频解码(待验证),MPU6500陀螺仪(待验证),红外收发IR(已验证),SD卡(已验证),CH340C串口通讯(已验证),2.8寸TFT液晶屏(已验证),支持电阻屏触摸XPT2046(在其他验证板中已验证),支持SHT20温湿度 ...
For that, three four-channel relay boards were used, each driven by an output on an ESP32. The ESP32 is running the Tasmota firmware to keep from having to reinvent the wheel, while MQTT was ...
It requires only 6 wires to run the MP3 module – Tx,Rx, Vcc,Gnd, Spk1,Spk2. The RTC runs on I2C bus and the TFT runs on SPI bus. The entire schematic is shown in the picture. On ESP32 the Tx1 and Rx1 ...
!注意:请使用浏览器自带下载,迅雷等下载软件可能无法下载到有效资源。 CA45-A-10V-22uF-K钽电容精度:±10% 容值:22uF 额定电压:10V ESR串联电阻:10 Ω @ 100kHz 工作温度:-55℃ ~ +125℃点击下载 CA45-A-10V-22uF-K钽电容精度:±10% 容值:22uF 额定电压:10V ESR串联电阻 ...