Burney also noted that macadamia nuts, grapes and raisins are are toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure. “Of interest, grape jelly and jam, wine, and grape juice are not toxic! I do not recommend ...
Remember Kermit from “Sesame Street” singing “It’s Not Easy Being Green” with his sad voice? He sang “It’s not easy bein’ green, having to spend each day, the color of the ...
As you approach spring landscaping chores, you might be considering adding a dogwood tree to your yard. Types of dogwood trees vary from the 6- to 12-inch miniature dogwood “tree” known as bunchberry ...
Growers install netting primarily to protect fruit, but the move also saves a lot of water. Hannes Laubscher of United Exports estimated the savings at 15 percent. It allows them to cut back on ...