As the annual cycle of daily Rambam study approaches its conclusion this Friday, Or Hachassidus has released a special ...
With great excitement building for the Siyum HaRambam taking place this coming Sunday at the prestigious Bedford Union Armory ...
As we have previously mentioned, Rav Moshe Feinstein holds that a fetus is a full nefesh, and even though one is not chayiv missah for aborting a fetus, it still violates the issur of retzicha.
Today, tens of thousands of people will study an exciting Jewish text. What is that text, and why is it so exciting? Let’s ...
Several people gathered at Inlet Beach to cheer on Seapork and Rambam, two sub-adult sea turtles, as they returned home after ...
I will content myself however with a consideration of the attitude of our renowned Rambam towards other faiths. TOLERANT ATTITUDE ADOPTED BY SAGES OF EARLY TIMES The tolerant attitude to other ...
Perry Ellis International chairman George Feldenkreis, whose rags to riches story has become legendary in the menswear ...
Founder, President and Chief Medical Officer at ForSight Robotics. Dr. Nathan has over 20 years of experience in medical ...
A 60-year-old man was shot twice inside his vehicle in Kiryat Haim on Thursday morning, Israeli media reported ...
Rav Elchanan argues that personal desires act as an internal bribe, distorting one’s ability to see the truth and leading one ...
Clearly, the Torah anticipates that the gentiles will be impressed with the Torah’s laws, and they would not be impressed if those laws didn’t reflect common-sense morality and justice.
US magazine "Newsweek" has listed Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer in Israel as the world's eighth best hospital. Last ...