As a result, the results of this new two-wave complete panel study can provide new insights into the question on how to better sustain aging workers in healthcare. Before we present the hypotheses of ...
How provinces and cities can sustain US–China climate cooperation ... and administrative burdens of engaging in collaboration 9. A special challenge in the United States is the growing backlash ...
Methanol is metabolized into the natural gas methane by many microbes living under Earth’s surface, but its source has been unclear. It emerges that some bacteria convert formate molecules into ...
Correspondence to Dr Matthew Buckthorpe, Isokinetic Medical Group, 11 Harley Street, London, WG1 9PF, UK; M.Buckthorpe{at} A dichotomous conception of functional recovery was common in ...
Sustain Mizzou participated in the Center for Student Involvement Open House, introducing students to sustainability initiatives on campus. As part of the event attendees made “edible ecosystems ...
Objective The HBV HBx regulatory protein is required for transcription from the covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) minichromosome and affects the epigenetic control of both viral and host ...
RdS received a postdoctoral fellowship, grant 2018/19100-9, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). JA received a postdoctoral fellowship, grant 2018/18403-8, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).