The feasibility of using aquaporins as potential sites of anti-protozoan chemotherapy relies ... witness more research on protein structures of parasite aquaporins leading to novel and improved ...
We hope that our review article will ultimately help to develop novel approaches in anti-protozoan chemotherapy and we believe that in the next 5 years we will witness more research on parasite ...
The malaria parasite is still killing almost half a million people every year. A project has now identified a gene that holds ...
Farmers have been urged to check their livestock for cryptosporidiosis and carry out routine testing and vaccination to keep ...
Fortnightly, we catch up with a vet in Northumberland to find out what farmers should be on the lookout for. This week we’ve been speaking ...
A shipment of frozen beef tongues weighing 9.66kg imported by Taoyuan-based Ben Harvest Co was found to be infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The product was supplied by the US company ...
Plasmodium is a protozoan parasite and eukaryotic organism with multiple stages of development, each featuring different surface antigens. Plasmodium species that infect humans — P. falciparum ...
How do wildlife researchers know when an endangered population is sick? They can detect infectious microbes in animal waste, ...
How do wildlife researchers know when an endangered population is sick? They can detect infectious microbes in animal waste, ...
We searched MEDLINE database and PubMed for articles from 1970 through June 30, 2016. Search terms used in various combinations were “parasite infection”, “carcinogenesis”, “cancer”, “human malignancy ...