The deadline to make a claim for leftover proceeds from property tax foreclosure sales before Dec. 22, 2020 is March 31.
Multnomah County is hiring outside help to defend against property tax challenges as more and more property owners fight their bills.
One resident said her taxes have increased to $6,000, claiming her home was uncapped in 2020. OAK PARK ... there say a ...
Texans who fall behind on their property taxes face one of the most punitive systems in the nation, where private collection ...
"The money is in roads, bridges, drainage, fire protection. It is in really good things we’re struggling to fund some of. So ...
Cost of living is on the rise. According to the consumer price index February data, the cost of transportation services ...
On the other side of the spectrum, a slew of Western and Southern states have set themselves apart for having the lowest ...
Almost two years after Pender County commissioners changed their property tax revaluation process to take place every four ...
The numbered company that acquired a lowrise apartment building at 5978 Wilson Ave. for $30 million in 2018 has failed for a ...
The news has been full of stories of local government taxing districts unhappy with Gov. Mike Braun’s proposal to reduce ...
As New York City’s office market continues its uneven recovery, a concerning disconnect is emerging between market realities ...