We also know that Satan is crafty, and he tries to pull our children away in a variety of ways: by temptation, distractions, deception, etc. Thankfully, we serve a God that invites us to pray, to talk ...
so that everyone has what they need.
Some or all of the following prayers may be used at the graveside of a family member or friend. All make the Sign of the Cross. The leader begins: We know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent ...
Speak to our hearts and help us to see that we are one big family. Old or young, short or tall, wherever we live, you made us all.
whether this past year brought you success, fulfillment, and joy, or you faced grief, setbacks, and struggle, New Year prayers are a great way to give thanks for the past year, seek guidance for the ...
O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their ...
About 400 people, including Spokane’s bishop, were praying a novena to Our Lady when a disturbed man charged the altar.
"Not everyone's prayers will be answered in the way we ... represented here affirm the birthright of all people as children of our one God. In public discourse, honoring each other's dignity ...
The reverend at the National Cathedral prayer service for ... to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared. There are gay, lesbian, transgender children, Democratic, Republican ...
Prayer vigil for Joe Shircliff(Photo ... Coco and Gemma are extensions to our own children.” Nate, 11, is the older brother to Joe, they have two other younger sisters. Coco is 4, and young ...
I respect people who want to pray to God for help in this messed up world, but does it really help? It seems like each year our nation becomes more deeply wicked and kicks God out while the devil’s ...
There are levels of sexual promiscuity among young people, including children. Ivan and other Global Interaction staff witnessed some child neglect, but not to the extreme levels at times suggested by ...