Hypnotherapy can help people to overcome their phobias. If you ever need an injection or a blood test, ask them to prescribe some Emla cream which numbs your arm, so you won’t feel the jab.
My silence regarding my mental health has stemmed from several fears — none of them rational. I was afraid that my mental illness meant that I was a bad feminist. I was afraid that people would tell ...
On those nights, I have no choice but to wake my husband and ask for help. None of this is healthy or fun — but I’m far from the only one to have ever experienced this kind of nightly anxiety.
While this won’t help treat anxiety chest pain ... techniques or mental exercises aren’t successful, a doctor may ask you to consider a prescription. Anti-anxiety medications have side ...
Quitting can help relieve chronic anxiety and may reduce the need for medications that treat this condition ... Support groups can be found online or by asking a mental health provider for ...