Felix called 911. Fisher instinctively reached for his prized possessions: two 16-foot-long cloth jump ropes, each nearly a half-inch in diameter, and knotted at both ends. Then he raced out to ...
Here are some benefits of jumping ropes and why they should be part of ... Even a few minutes of skipping a day can make a big difference in keeping your heart healthy. Jumping rope requires ...
“I can’t stop watching skipping videos, but I’ve never managed to learn how to do it myself,” she says. “Whenever I try, I just fall over the rope. How do people do it?” So, how do you ...
David Fisher has wielded jump ropes to wow presidents ... and when he learned people made a living performing at assemblies, he was all in. “It just kind of exploded from there,” he said.
Today, Skipping Day is a much-loved Scarborough tradition. Every year the Foreshore Road is closed and massive ropes are laid out for people to skip with, sometimes up to as many as eight people ...
Pancake Races will once again be held in the town centre on Tuesday March 4, after which local schoolchildren will head to ...