The goal of this paper is to lay out a methodology and corresponding computer algorithms, that allow us to extract the detailed data on inventors contained in patents, and harness it for economic ...
This scraper can be used both to retreive parsed html of a single patents page or a list of patents. The following elements are always returned by the scraper class: title (str) : title ...
You can submit your invention name and description online for a free ... for a 3D graphic of your invention. In addition to patent search packages, FSBI offers patent licensing packages.
The full text of the University Patent Policy can be found in the Faculty Handbook, Section 3.7.5. Excerpts from this Policy have been included in the FAQs below. Expand all items + Who is an ...
To receive a utility patent, your invention must pass four tests: If you're trying to determine if your idea has already been patented, you can have a search performed on all existing patents.
Implementing a state-of-the-art machine learning technique for causal identification from text data (C-TEXT), we document that patents authored by female inventors are under-cited relative to those ...