A fractious seven-and-a-half-hour meeting, lasting well into the early morning the following day, was packed to capacity with ...
The County Council unanimously passed an ordinance Wednesday aimed at eliminating barriers and restrictions for new childcare ...
Two days earlier, on Jan. 2, Capitol Police responded to a shooting at another nightclub in North Jackson, marking the city's ...
The council has yet to announce the next public hearing and when it will decide the outcome of the proposed wetlands ...
This morning, the Snohomish County Council unanimously approved Ordinance 25-015, a proposal aimed at increasing access to ...
The Cape Carteret Planning Board voted Tuesday night to table a request from an Emerald Isle church to adopt a Unified ...
Instead of returning to a referendum requirement, the commission approved a supermajority vote for annexations larger than 5% ...
The City of Charleston’s public safety committee was set to discuss a proposed amendment to an ordinance that could help ...
Residents of Lee County could soon see not only an increase in the amount of money the county gets to keep from traffic ...
Gathered for a primetime meeting on Tuesday night, action from the Wichita City Council included approval of an ordinance to ...
The city council unanimously passes ordinance prohibiting people from sleeping in their vehicles in public places.
Slinger Village Board listens to public comment about political sign ordinance, one person said President Trump supporters ...