It’s often said that English has more words than any other language. That’s a difficult statistic to corroborate, not least because not every language has words in the way we would recognize ...
You know the type. But even so, we were stumped when it came to a list of some of the most unusual words in the English dictionary. Compiled by the folks at Raconteur, the list includes nouns ...
From Merriam-Webster: "Plural of coniine, or a poisonous alkaloid found in poison hemlock." ...
Paul Anthony Jones collects terms that have fallen out of use and resurrects them. We have featured 12 of our favourites in an animation celebrating forgotten phrases. Animation by Darren McNaney ...
We all like to impress our friends, family and teachers with our knowledge of obscure words (OK, OK – some of us more than others). But there are words you almost certainly won’t have heard of.
We all like to impress our friends, family and teachers with our knowledge of obscure words (OK, OK – some of us more than others). But there are words you almost certainly won’t have heard of.