雅虎新闻1月29日报道,昆州北部地区刚刚遭受暴雨侵袭,导致洪水泛滥和主干道关闭,而现在飓风正在逼近,同时还需要为即将到来的新一轮暴雨做好准备。 昨晚,昆州北部遭遇了强降雨,部分地区降雨量超过300毫米。 暴雨导致洪水泛滥,两名被困者成功获救。 由于Cairns附近海域的热带低气压引发大量降雨,Bruce Highway北段已经关闭。Bruce Highway是该州的重要交通干线。 气象预报显示,到 ...
• 景观特色:是中国北方的第一高岛,也是黄渤、张艺兴《一出好戏》的取景地。有依山而建直通大海、奇石万千的背来石,还有红白相间的网红灯塔初心塔。
Experience the powerful works of Li Xiangqun, a renowned Chinese sculptor, in his first solo exhibition. Through a series of ...
Maud Lau, managing director of KAWA SHIPPING, the operator of the route, explained the rationale behind the new service.
Maud Lau, managing director of KAWA SHIPPING, the operator of the route, explained the rationale behind the new service.
The Chinese New Year holiday is a time of celebration, family reunions, and vibrant festivities. While many places may take a brief pause, some establishments embrace the spirit of the season and open ...