We graduated from Capital Normal University. I am just a normal person, but my brother is a famous musician. It is not your ...
“Collaborative Learning 四海为学” is organized by the Center for Intercultural Learning, Department of Philosophy, East China ...
A Key Figure Behind She Zhijiang,the detained tycoon of Cyber Fraud hubs,she,key,with,years,early,real ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
A moviegoer takes a photo of a display board for Ne Zha 2, the highest-grossing film in Chinese history, at a movie theater ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
醒狮跃动马德里戏曲唱响夜巴黎广州积极推动中国文化走出去首个“非遗版”春节庆祝活动让世界又一次感受到了中华优秀传统文化的魅力。The celebrations of Spring Festival, the first edition since it ...
An increasing number of Chinese localities and enterprises adopt DeepSeek as application of AI accelerates in China; China's ...
前几周出门逛街经过宠物店,刚好看到有两只小仓鼠在滚轮上玩摔跤,由于目睹了超级可爱的画面,本人感受到体内有一股能量从灵魂深处涌上心头, 有一种想把那只仓鼠捧在手中用力揉捏它的想法。
为解决 IBD 诊断和亚型区分难题,韩国庆熙大学研究人员开展血清代谢组学研究。结果发现特定血清代谢物可精准识别 IBD 及亚型。这一成果对提升 IBD 诊疗水平意义重大,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。