The process generates a very small amount of energy relative to many other types of metabolism ... nitrogen cycle. In agricultural systems, fertilizers are used extensively to increase plant ...
Nitrogen is an important plant nutrient that is often deficient in the sandy soils that dominate Delaware, so application of manures and/or fertilizers is necessary to produce maximum economic yields.
a plant biologist at the National Centre for Scientific Research in France, tells The Scientist over email. Roslyn Gleadow, a biologist at Monash University in Australia who studies nitrogen ...
These microbes provide plants with essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus in ... also revealed how calcium oscillations influence plant metabolism. These oscillations regulate the ...
However, plants and animals cannot use nitrogen gas directly. Nitrates and other minerals are taken into a plant via specially adapted root cells called root hair cells. They are specially adapted ...
Nitrogen, phosphorus ... involves transfer of photosynthetic carbohydrates from the plant to the microorganism for metabolism and energy production. However, the nutritional advantage for plants ...
only prokaryotes were known to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. “It’s a very interesting paper,” said Verena Kreichbaumer, a plant cell biologist at Oxford Brookes University who was not involved in ...
For biochemists, it's the which-came-first question: oxygen production by photosynthesis or oxygen consumption by aerobic ...
Most plants need three major nutrients to thrive; nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium ... These are ideal if a plant is suffering from a deficiency and are usually applied in a liquid form ...
Aquaculture wastewater, rich in organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, poses a significant environmental threat when ...
91, No. 3 (Jun., 2003), pp. 357-370 (14 pages) 1 In order to test whether the observed invasion of ombrotrophic bogs in the Netherlands by Molinia caerulea and Betula pubescens is the result of ...