Indonesia boasts the world’s biggest Muslim population. Plenty of Japanese use the mosque to pray, officials said. “We hope to make this mosque a place that all Muslims feel free to visit ...
AS the world celebrates International Women’s Day, more than 130 traditional circumcisers in Siha District, Kilimanjaro Region, have decided to abandon the harmful practice of female genital ...
The obligation of daily fasting from sunrise to sunset applies to all healthy Muslim adults who do not qualify for medical exemptions or pregnancy or travel or other established exemptions. During the ...
Barrister Blessing Joseph Afang, a human rights activist and philanthropist, is Founder, Jessejed Children Foundation, and President, the International Human Rights Protection Service Florida, USA, ...
Keir Starmer announced plans to cut billions of pounds from the welfare system, specifically working-age health and disability benefits. This week, Starmer called Britain’s benefits system the “worst ...