During Delaware Ag Week, Extension Weed Specialist Mark VanGessel updated farmers on the latest in herbicide resistance and ...
Preserving the technology means rotating modes of action and crops, using full herbicide rates, tank mixing herbicides with multiple modes of action, as well as appropriate cultural practices like ...
It is also possible to tank-mix some other postemergence herbicides such as Cadet, Classic, Cobra, Flexstar GT, Fusion, Fusilade DX, Phoenix, and Ultra Blazer to control emerged weeds. This would ...
Consider using a broadleaf weed herbicide as a safe and easy way to quickly reclaim your lawn without breaking the bank or your back. When a few patches of clover popped up in my lawn, I didn't ...
Wild oats and kochia are the most problematic weeds in Western Canada. They’re everywhere, and often come with resistance to ...