The herpes simplex virus (HSV) could be sneaking into the brain more often than we're aware. A new study on mice has found ...
The researchers used fiber photometry systems to detect neurotransmitters, which involved injecting the mice with fluorescent ...
We've all been there—stuffed at a restaurant, convinced we can't take another bite, until the server drops the dessert menu.
A team from the Scripps Research Institute discovered a way of harnessing a common acid to significantly lower inflammation ...
It doesn't matter how full you are, you can always fit in a bite or two or three of pie and ice cream. Scientists say it has ...
"I'm not aware of any measure you can make of the human brain where the male and female distributions don't overlap," ...
A receptor that cannabis latches onto in the brain could be a promising target for future mental health treatments.
“In typical aging, women have a brain that looks younger, with fewer cognitive deficits compared to men,” said Dr. Dena Dubal ...
To understand why multiple copies of the GLDC gene would be solely responsible for the behavioral symptoms, the researchers took a closer look at what was happening in the brains of the mice ...
Three-photon microscopy can also explore the brains of larger animals. Waters has colleagues aiming two-photon microscopes at a macaque’s visual cortex, which resembles that of a human.
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) A genetic mutation linked to schizophrenia in humans was found to increase schizophrenia-related behaviors in mice. This mutation elevates levels of glycine ...
And when the researchers gave mature mice of both sexes a type of gene therapy to boost expression of one of those genes, it improved their cognition, as measured by how well they explored a maze.