Giles Corey, a farmer accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, pleaded “not guilty.” He didn’t believe he’d achieve a fair trial and refused to speak. He was subsequently ...
A slice of colonial history in Beverly, Massachusetts, directly associated with the notorious Salem witch trials, has been put on the market. The home located at 252 Essex Street is now listed for ...
In 1692, the colonial town of Salem, Massachusetts, became caught up in a fervor over alleged witchcraft. In her new book “The Witches,” Stacy Schiff explores what led a group of Puritans to ...
Salem, Massachusetts. A small town—with no clear governing body—became embroiled in a scandal that forever stands as one of the darkest chapters in American history. For those accused of ...
The Shocking History and Legacy of the Salem Witch Trials What fueled the frenzy that sent so many to their deaths in colonial America? And how did Americans reckon with the aftermath of the panic ...
Directed by Sally Boyett, Arthur Miller’s classic play about the Salem Witch Trials captures the dangers of religious zealotry and how ... She shrieks and stands on the bed, giving names. Mackenzie ...
refreshment and all the graces they need in the trials of their lives, especially at the hour of death. Each day you will lead a different group of souls and immerse them in the sea of My Mercy.
The name Salem carries heavy historical and mystical weight. It has Hebrew origins meaning "peace," but it's most famously linked to the Salem witch trials of 1692, tying the character to real-life ...
A story that challenges American ideas of power, intolerance and justice will take center stage in this production. The play “The Crucible” will be presented at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00AM (In Polish). Weekday: 8:45AM Sat (In Polish); 7:00PM Fri (In Polish). Reconciliation: 6:00-7:00PM Mon (In Polish); 6:00-7:00PM Wed-Fri (In Polish); 11 ...
Set during the Salem witch trials, this gripping drama explores how hysteria, suspicion, and the hunger for power can destroy lives—and how courage can challenge the tide. With striking ...
of its misery to Your mercy---to Your compassion, O God; and it is with its mighty voice of misery that it cries out.