The whare was established and is owned by Te Whare Hono ō Tūwharetoa Limited Partnership, a body created to lead the project that includes the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust ...
Waatea is hearing that hundreds of jobs are on the line as contracts worth tens of millions are changing hands – Waatea has ...
The entities opened He Whare Hono ō Tūwharetoa on March 6. The new, three-storey building on 67 Horomatangi St, Taupō also houses local economic development agency Amplify, and Love Taupō.
Five Māori engineering and computer science students have been awarded the Waste Management NZ Whatumoana Paki Scholarship, named in honor of the late husband of Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu.
Māori are more likely to be diagnosed with bowel cancer at a younger age, and at more advanced stages, compared to non-Māori. Leading health experts and advocacy groups have long called for the ...