And no, certainly not the Loch Ness Monster. Hirons and her group of volunteers were looking for manatees. The group of volunteers, around 10 to 20 people, is comprised of mainly undergraduate and ...
Speed limit cameras will no longer monitor Manatee County school zones outside of posted hours for reduced speeds in response to complaints from motorists surprised by tickets sent to their mailbox.
The analysis revealed two distinct migration patterns: while some butterflies took a long trip south, migrating from Scandinavia across the Sahara, others traveled shorter distances, staying in the ...
Consequences of hurricane natural disaster. Image via Depositphotos. Disruptions in animal migration patterns don’t only affect the species themselves but have broader implications for ecosystems and ...
The new US administration is implementing radical changes to US migration policy. In the first days of his second term, President Trump signed Executive Orders and adopted other measures to accelerate ...
Durbahn said he looked at migration patterns in the district, including if there were trends of when students are leaving or entering the district. The district sees more increases in students in ...
Developers have responded to a push by some Manatee County commissioners for discussions about traffic congestion and other infrastructure issues that led to talk of a building moratorium last week.
MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — Manatee County commissioners met Tuesday to discuss a series of plans centered around school zones. According to newly elected commissioner Dr. Bob McCann, drivers ...
Remember that “weather" refers to the short-term conditions, like wind, rain or temperature at a specific time and place, while "climate" describes the average weather patterns over a long ...
Her project, entitled ‘Bowhead Whale Migration Amid Changing Circulation Patterns in the Beaufort Gyre,’ focuses on how the ecosystem of the Arctic Ocean has been impacted by unusual currents.
Banner image: Amazonian manatees at a rescue center in Peru. Image by Alan Kotok via Flickr ( CC BY 2.0 ). Researcher discovers new role played by manatees, ‘the gardeners of the Amazon’ ...
Additionally, migration patterns in painted ladies could not be associated with factors such as sex, wing size, or wing shape. According to the scientists, so-called phenotypic plasticity might ...