Dram”, meaning a measure of whisky. “Turm”, describing a cavalry unit. “Taupie”, a foolish youngster. Not words in a typical ...
Advanced Diploma in Malay Language Education seeks to enhance knowledge in Malay language and literature, which will help educators to communicate more effectively with students. Participants will ...
The Ministry of Education (MOE) has assured that Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) will always be prepared to provide the ...
DBP recently held the National Language Empowerment Symposium in the Legal Field at Balai Budaya Tun Naser, Wisma DBP in ...
President Donald Trump today designated English as the official language of the United States, saying it would bring cohesion to a country characterised ...
Malaysia has successfully deposited heritage seeds and traditional varieties of plants at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault ...
Subsidised local white rice was among the high-demand essentials sold at the Rahmah Madani Sale in Pinang Tunggal here on ...
Malaysian authorities say they did not grant citizenship or hand out national identification documents at a Democratic Action ...
Malaysians were overjoyed when Astro Shaw announced plans to create a live-action movie for the beloved 90s cartoon “Keluang ...
The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has issued a statement ...
Despite Singapore’s rich multicultural landscape, many Singaporeans still find themselves forming close friendships primarily ...