1984 年 1 月 22 日,苹果公司在美国橄榄球超级碗比赛中播放了著名的 Macintosh 电脑广告,该广告由著名导演雷德利・斯科特(Ridley Scott)执导,描绘 ...
而 Macintosh 于 1984 年上市后采用 3.5 英寸软盘。 此前消息称苹果公司之所以放弃“Twiggy”软盘驱动器,是因为乔布斯发现 5.25 英寸“Twiggy”软盘驱动 ...
Released in 1984, the original Macintosh was a wonder – not only did it have a GUI and a mouse, it was actually one of the smaller computers of the day. Now that we’re nearly 30 years past the ...
Apple almost didn't air its iconic, dystopian-themed 1984 Super Bowl commercial, former Apple CEO John Sculley tells Business Insider. However, the commercial successfully made it to broadcast ...
A family of desktop and laptop computers from Apple, introduced in 1984 as the Macintosh, which was coined from the McIntosh apple. First to popularize the graphical user interface (GUI), the ...
One of those is the Macintosh – the monochrome all-in-one ... It's also a darn sight cheaper than the first Mac – which was $2,495 in 1984, a value of over $7,400 today considering inflation.
Jobs wore it at an annual shareholder meeting in 1984, where he introduced the Macintosh computer. It had 27 bids, according to the item listing and was only estimated to sell for $1,000 to $2,000.
In the past, most Apple stores witnessed a similar response with buyers lining up hours in advance, if not days to be the first to purchase an Apple product. Some customers have been queuing up in ...