He knew nothing about Italy, wrote nothing about Italy and saw little beyond his bed curtains, but the spirit of Romanticism has always been more alive at Keats’s grave in Rome’s Protestant Cemetery ...
A sign is posted leading hikers to a hill in Altadena that holds the grave of Owen Brown, the son of the abolitionist John Brown. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted in ...
This was a matter of no appeal. Whether he liked it or not, it was now clear that the senior Baghel would be buried far away from his people, in a lonely grave in a distant land, so to speak.
On a hill above Altadena named Little Round Top, a grave stood for 136 years as the community below it blossomed. Here lay the remains of Owen Brown, son of the legendary abolitionist John Brown.
The flats would be built alongside St George's Churchyard, where Turpin's grave is located - although its authenticity is disputed by some historians. Highwayman and horse thief Turpin - otherwise ...
When investigators asked him about urinating on Lawrence’s grave, he just laughed, prosecutors said. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new ...
Representatives from international organisations and academics have met in Rome to discuss strategies to preserve Syria's cultural heritage following the fall of Bashar al-Assad. The event marked ...
Chihuahua state police have found the remains of more than 50 bodies at a clandestine mass grave site in a drug cartel conflict zone in a forest region in northwestern Chihuahua, authorities said.