Corporate lingo often complicates simple workplace communication. Common phrases in emails and meetings transform into elaborate jargon to sound more professional. This trend is driven by a mix of ...
The Associated Press has obtained a document showing that the Trump administration is halting a $1 billion program that helps ...
Sam Srisatta, a 20-year-old Florida college student, spent a month living inside a government hospital here last fall, ...
This year’s $60,000 contribution from Huntsville is 15% of the Legacy Center’s total budget, according to a city document listing its 2025 nonprofit grant recipients.
Rutherford County officials continue to work on PlanRutherford after facing opposition from home builders, real estate professionals and developers.
Many of the recent closures have been associated with years of declining foot traffic in the city associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing use of telework by Commonwealth and downtown ...
Tired of endless scrolling? Replace it with meaningful habits like journaling, mindfulness, and habit tracking for a more ...
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security skipped a fully competitive bidding process to give two Republican-linked firms the ...
During a panel on trial practice at the recent Masters’ Conference in Los Angeles, moderated by Professor Shannon Bales, ...
Do you know how risky this is?!?” Sgt. Jian Zhao told an individual in China while allegedly trying to sell a sensitive ...
Tenants at Windham & Windsor Housing Trust properties are tired of illicit drug use and sales, threatening behavior and other issues.
I admit being in the camp of those who see the U.S. Constitution as a living document and subject to change. Over the passage of time, you can see so ...