Obstruction of the lower system (usually of the nasolacrimal duct ... can contribute to punctal stenosis. Conjunctivochalasis is an under-recognized cause of upper lacrimal system epiphora.
The term functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction (FNLDO; watering with patent drainage) is misleading as it implies occluded drainage and solely nasolacrimal duct pathology. 'Normal' tear ...
This happens even when not crying. The eye is not red and the eyelid is not swollen. Both sides are blocked in 30% of these children. Caused by blockage of the lacrimal duct. This duct carries ...
Spinal stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal or tunnel that houses the neural elements (nerves) that travel along the spinal column. The narrowing can be central stenosis (referring to the ...
In conclusion the presence of partial stenosis, or possibly malfunction of the common duct, must be considered and excluded in all cases of what appears to be cholangiolitic hepatitis or primary ...
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal which houses the nerves and spinal cord. Stenosis most commonly affects the lumbar spine. Regular exercise, postural corrections, and adopting ...
This can include both your natural tears and artificial tears. Punctal plugs are also called tear duct plugs or lacrimal plugs or occluders. Tears help to keep your eyes comfortable. When you have dry ...
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med.ulaval.ca To be aware of the prevalence, pathophysiology and outcomes of mixed aortic valve disease (MAVD), which refers to combined aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. To assess the ...