Ayobamidele Sote, 50, committed the offence in April last year when he was behind the wheel of a Nissan Micra.
据称,一只蟾蜍木乃伊是 1900 年左右工人在刘易斯采石场的燧石结核中发现的。由查尔斯·道森 (Charles Dawson) 捐赠,现藏于布莱顿布斯博物馆。Hzh,CC BY-SA 4.0,通过 Wikimedia Commons 如果你来自德克萨斯州,你可能听说过 Ol' Rip 的故事,这是一只蜥蜴,被密封在时间 ...
WHAT’S THE KARSTEN LACERTA LIKE? Karsten is the Rolls Royce of tents… and the Lacerta is a beautiful example of the premium Dutch brand’s luxury offerings. It is a stunning poled tent, hand-made in ...