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Amassing many positive customer reviews, Surfshark's Incogni tackles data removal and data brokers on your behalf and will enforce these requests using applicable data protection laws. You pay the ...
Antibodies and related products are the fastest growing class of therapeutic agents. By analysing the regulatory approvals of IgG-based biotherapeutic agents in the past 10 years, we can gain ...
Structures of Shigella bacteriophage Sf14 show similarity with several features from diverse bacteriophages that, when combined, produce a T = 9 icosahedral capsid coated in decoration ...
Table 1. Characteristics of the four WWTPs. The samples were collected in 2-liter (I and E) or 1-liter (S) sterile plastic containers. These samples were transported to the laboratory at Birla ...
There are an estimated 10 31 viruses on Earth. That is to say: there may be a hundred million times more viruses on Earth than there are stars in the universe. The majority of these viruses infect ...