A scheme to replace every street light across the district of Bradford has saved the council about £8m since it was launched, ...
In the recent past, innovation in the LED has enhanced highly luminous standards hence revolutionizing the lighting sector.
They also used a large amount of energy and contributed to our carbon footprint. In 2015 we decided to upgrade the streetlights to LED (light-emitting diode) technology, which is more energy-efficient ...
Hutchinson may be switching all of its street lights over to energy-efficient LEDs by the end of the year. City Council members at their June 26 meeting approved a $35,000 project development ...
The city of Shakopee and the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission are working to replace the 2,300 city-owned lights to LED bulbs to improve light longevity, lower maintenance costs and increase ...
The LEDs would consume 50% less energy than the city's current street lamps ... Notsure11 writes: “LED lights were installed about 10 years ago. This is just another waste of money by the ...