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Limor 'Ladyada' Fried, owner of Adafruit, recently showcased the capabilities of AI model Claude to fully automate Arduino d.
Tribal2 is using a Raspberry Pi to drive this cool interactive LED world map that integrates with his smart home setup.
They are cheap and work well enough. But [Playful Technology] wanted to control the hands with an Arduino directly and, in the process, he shows us how these modules work. If you’ve never ...
In the early 2000s, the idea that you could write programs on microcontrollers that did things in the physical world, like ...
A robotics enthusiast built Esghati, a smart robot from e-waste, offering kids a low-cost, educational tool with camera and ...
In this article, we’re discussing the laptops available in stores with mini LED displays. There’s a good chance you’re already familiar with mini LED panels from televisions, where they’ve been ...
Here’s how it works. The best mini-LED TVs deliver both high brightness and deep black tones, creating a high-contrast display that works exceptionally well for both sports and movies.
当科技与幼儿保育相遇,会碰撞出怎样的火花?在龙口电子工业学校的幼儿保育专业里,诚海科技创客团队正用一场场趣味十足的创客培训给出答案!每周一次的课堂中,幼儿保育专业的同学们不再只是学习传统护理知识,而是化身“小小极客”,玩转图像化编程与智能硬件,用科技 ...
这个 Raspberry Pi 项目具有全球吸引力 — 至少在天气和日光等方面是这样。创客和开发商 Tribal2,正如他们在 Reddit 上所熟知的那样,创造了一张美丽的世界地图,它由我们最喜欢的 SBC 提供支持,并具有可照亮各种功能的 LED ...