Display the price of stocks on a long line of MAX7219 LED matrices with an ESP32 S3 using Finnhub!
A robotics enthusiast built Esghati, a smart robot from e-waste, offering kids a low-cost, educational tool with camera and ...
当科技与幼儿保育相遇,会碰撞出怎样的火花?在龙口电子工业学校的幼儿保育专业里,诚海科技创客团队正用一场场趣味十足的创客培训给出答案!每周一次的课堂中,幼儿保育专业的同学们不再只是学习传统护理知识,而是化身“小小极客”,玩转图像化编程与智能硬件,用科技 ...
ClockworkPi has made several Linux handheld terminals over the years such as the GameShell or DevTerm, but the PicoCalc Kit ...
While Sony currently sells high-end Mini LED TVs alongside OLED models, this new system could combine many of the best qualities of both, and I recently got to see it in action at the company’s ...
Teensy 4.0 and 4.1 Cortex-M7 development boards are to be manufactured by SparkFun Electronics. The boards are attractive ...
Elegoo, a rapidly developing brand in global smart manufacturing, is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the theme 'Thrive, ...
One of the simple yet interesting connection diagrams that young engineers learn in their lab is the staircase lighting setup.
今天,我们迎来一个别具意义的特殊节日——π节(圆周率日)。每年的3月14日(在美国的日期书写格式为3/14)被定义为Pi ...
Waveshare has just released the CM5-NANO-B, a compact Raspberry Pi CM5 carrier board, with the same dimensions as the Compute Module 5 and multiple peripheral interfaces making it suitable for ...