Under the Kyoto protocol the Netherlands has to reduce its greenhouse emissions by an average of 6 percent a year relative to 1990 in the period 2008-2012. The emissions in the base year 1990 totalled ...
Despite its drawbacks and limitations, the UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol demonstrated that ...
Trump's withdrawal from climate agreements, Biden's re-entry, and the U.S.'s struggle to meet emission reduction goals.
Environmental Finance: ecosecurities first made its name in the carbon markets created by the Kyoto Protocol, particularly the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). How has your business evolved since ...
The double-act of Angela Merkel and John Prescott at the Kyoto summit gets easy laughs. Pearlman’s corruption is underlined by the fact he’s an indifferent husband, a bad dad and a compulsive ...