A bomb blast has killed at least five people and wounded seven in northeastern Afghanistan, local police report. The blast ...
Burned body of an elderly man recovered on Thursday in the Panjwai district of eastern Kandahar province, an official said on Thursday . . .
to incorporate polio eradication programs into existing maternal, reproductive and immunization health services in Helmand and Kandahar provinces of Afghanistan ...
Israel’s prime minister has warned Hamas it will end the ceasefire in Gaza and resume intense fighting if the Palestinian ...
A deepwater fish new to science has been named after San, the warrior princess from Studio Ghibli’s landmark animated film ...
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines and Petroleum is trying to increase cement production in a number of provinces, including Parwan, Jawzjan, Kandahar, Logar and Herat, Humayun ...
Addressing a graduation ceremony in Khost province on January 20 ... Kabul being uneasy over decisions made by the leadership in Kandahar, which is the stronghold of Haibatullah.
Pagination 1 map col. 74 x 58 cm. Publisher [Nui Dat, Vietnam The Survey Corps] Note Sheet 6430 from the US Army 1:100 000 Special use S.E. Asia map series, overprinted with survey control information ...
The officials of the Islamic Emirate inaugurated the 100-bed Al-Sheikh Bin Mohammad Bin Ali Al-Thani Hospital in Nimroz..
Shiv mandir balabharh statue Slideshows ...