Gardner fled, passing through the Pamirs, Xinjiang and Kashmir. He was the first European to visit Kafiristan in eastern Afghanistan, the remote region of the Hindu Kush where the native peoples clung ...
欧洲大航海探险之后,新的全球力量平衡所带来的政治和经济循环的不稳定。然而,在接下来的时期出现了新的活力,并持续到俄罗斯在该地区建立权力。 中亚的历史在该地区是一个大帝国的一部分的时期比独立实体在那里发展的时期更为人所知。 例如, ...
Each hairpin bend brought us closer to the Afghan border, as we moved ever further into the heart of old Kafiristan. We were deep into Kipling territory now. The Kalash, a polytheist sect whose ...
An Irish rogue wins the heart of a rich widow and assumes her dead husband's aristocratic position in 18th-century England.
In the bargain, he got Asmar, Kafiristan and the Birmal tract, areas over which Afghanistan had exercised almost no control previously. Further, the Government of India undertook to “increase by ...