Kim Jones离任Dior男装艺术总监一职,引发业界对品牌设计策略或将发生变化的猜测。 Culture and business journalist, editor, and author, with expertise in Hong Kong retail, regional trends, Korean culture and Chinese diaspora. Crystal’s ...
近日,法国时尚品牌 Ami 宣布, Carlo Mengucci 将担任品牌全球营销与传播总监,任命于本周一生效。创意总监 Alexandre Mattiussi表示:“ Carlo 是我们多年的好友,我们非常高兴他能加入 Ami 。他将凭借丰富的经验,助力品牌开启新的篇章。” Carlo Mengucci 将向 Alexandre Mattiussi 和首席执行官 Nicolas ...
Fashion and culture writer and consultant, Sadie focuses on brand collaboration, streetwear, and how popular culture intersects with the luxury industry. Now editor of Jing Daily’s weekly brand ...