The pliosaur was a carnivorous reptilian apex predator that roamed and ruled the seas for millions of years during the ...
A quail-size fossil uncovered in China suggests birds evolved millions of years earlier than previously thought.
The Michigan Champion giant sequoia tree stands about 116 feet tall and 5 feet in diameter at Lake Bluff Farms in Manistee ...
Numerous Godzilla films have shown how important Mothra is to Earth, but her new ongoing comic shows we have all been ...
Get ready for a walk in the park, the Jurassic Park that is as a new set of collectibles are here including Micro Adventures from Mattel ...
The findings reveal that insects developed modern patterns of herbivory long before flowering plants flourished, upending a ...
"Canberrans lucky enough to have a garden will have an abundance of dinosaurs visiting." How is that possible? Whimsy ...
This is not a dark time for Star Wars it's good. The sequels were horrible movie, and the fan base hates Kathleen Kennedy.
在岁末年初的喜庆氛围中,一场盛大的灯光盛宴正等待着我们的探索。1月17日,第31届自贡国际恐龙灯会在四川省自贡市·中华彩灯大世界盛大开幕,以“灯贺中华气象万千”为主题,为游客呈现了一场前所未有的视觉盛宴。(The 31st Zigong ...