3月14日,市交通运输综合行政执法支队发布航行通告,为确保苏州何山桥北半幅及长桥西半幅桥梁拆除工程顺利实施,决定对苏州京杭运河部分水域实施封航水上交通管制。 何山桥北半幅桥梁拆除工程管制时间具体如下: ...
因2025年公路修复养护工程施工需要,为保障道路交通安全和施工顺利进行,依据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》、《中华人民共和国公路法》,徐州市公路事业发展中心、徐州市交通运输综合行政执法支队、徐州市公安局交通警察支队决定: ...
Describe a new place that left a deep impression on you. And explain why this place was memorable to you. One new place that ...
Una foto aérea tomada por un dron el 15 de marzo de 2025 muestra a unos turistas disfrutando del paisaje de flores en pleno ...
El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, urgió el miércoles a la provincia de Jiangsu, una potencia económica en el este de China, a ...
Four people were killed and four others injured following a blast at a company in the city of Taizhou, east China's Jiangsu ...
Xi called on the province to further deepen reform and opening up. It is necessary to keep in mind both domestic and international imperatives, promote urban-rural integration and regional ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged east China's Jiangsu Province, an economic powerhouse, to play a major role in the country's overall development. NPC deputies from Jiangsu said they ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on March 5 urged east China's Jiangsu Province, an economic powerhouse, to play a major role in the country's overall development. Xi, also General Secretary of the Commun ...