平时生活里一定要注意: 养成均衡饮食习惯,不暴饮暴食,减少高热量、高盐食物的摄入,增加蔬菜、全谷物和水果的比例;少熬夜、抽烟和酗酒,保持良好的生活方式;坚持运动,控制好体重,对自己的身体好一点。
2月1日,农历大年初四旅游市场持续火热多地景区发布紧急公告:取消、限流、约满、售罄四川多个景区、博物馆发布公告三星堆博物馆截至大年初七(2月4日)门票都已约满熊猫谷景区2月1日(初四)、2月2日(初五)全天门票2月3日(初六)上午时段门票已售罄成都博 ...
Following several reports of ICE activity in the city, NewsChannel 10 visited several locations mentioned in social media ...
Kennedy Jr. has accused the US food and beverage industry of "poisoning" the American people. In a US Senate hearing to ...
San Antonio Spurs, Dallas Maverick fans are weighing-in on their futures after the Luka Doncic trade sent shockwaves through ...
A former U.S. Postal Service employee who worked in Revere and Melrose pleaded guilty on Monday to charges that he stole ...
Essex College is back in session with new shenanigans and chaos for the four roommates Kimberly Finkle (Pauline Chalamet), Bela Malhotra (Amrit Kaur), Leighton Murray (Reneé Rapp) and Whitney ...
1月15日,河南卫视发布“李子柒河南春晚梦幻联动”预告视频。视频中,李子柒穿着一身红色改良汉服披袄,手提醒狮灯惊艳亮相,一颦一笑尽显美好。有眼尖的网友发现,自己似乎在某电商平台一家网店上买过 “李子柒同款”汉服。 1月22日,上游新闻(报料邮箱[email protected])记者联系上了该店铺老板兼设计师胡不归。胡不归称,李子柒身着的改良汉服的确出自她家,“事先不知道,非常惊喜。李子柒只出镜了 ...
UK troops have touched down in Japan, as the two countries’ senior defence officials meet for talks to strengthen their alliance. Some 100 UK soldiers have been deployed to the island of Kyushu ...