CES 2025期间,各大厂商都发布了自家的新产品,其中最受游戏玩家关注的当然就是新一代的显卡,包括NVIDIA的RTX 50系显卡以及AMD的Radeon RX 9070系列显卡,其中GeForce RTX 50系显卡已经发售,包括RTX 5090以及RTX 5080,相信发烧友已经开始为这两款显卡选择合适的平台而绞尽脑汁。 目前在中高端处理器中,比较平衡的产品应该就是AMD锐龙7 9700X以 ...
To make the world smarter, happier, and richer. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. The Motley Fool reaches ...
Intel confirmed its next major client CPU architecture during a conference call today: “Nova Lake,” which will debut in 2026. The news was delivered by Michelle Johnston Holthaus, who heads ...
Making sure you buy an eligible CPU is important, as is ensuring you buy it from one of Intel’s approved retailers (they differ depending on your region). In the U.S. the likes of Amazon ...
Intel seems to be paying attention, too, going by some new modular guidelines for both laptops and PCs. Okay, “guidelines” might be a strong term for these concepts, which Intel laid out in ...