过去大多数创造力测评在探索 LLM 的 Leap-of-Thought 能力的时候,仍然遵循普通大模型测评中的选择、排序等评估类型。尽管这种评估方式对逻辑思维能力的考察非常有效,但是在对创造力的评估中则不太合理。
在台湾电视剧 increasingly dominated by male-centric narratives的潮流下,东厂西厂剧集 emerged as a breath of fresh air. This multi-episode ...
现代家庭的复杂性总是能在影视佳作中得到深刻探讨,《180天重启计划》便是这样一部兼具 humor与 emotion 的轻喜剧。该剧不仅在荧屏上展示了一对母女的日常生活,更以180天的特殊同居经历,捕捉到了当代家庭母女关系的微妙变化。故事围绕着失业及失恋的女儿顾云苏和她四十岁出头的妈妈吴俪梅展开,在经历了一场又一场“鸡飞狗跳”的事件后,逐渐拼凑出彼此心灵的拼图。
例句 Franklin D. Roosevelt’s lightheartedness seemed undignified, while the youthful John F. Kennedy often felt compelled to suppress his sense of humor in public.【2018-2《华尔街日报》】 富兰克林·D.
"Ne Zha 2," the animated feature that has swept Chinese cinemas, has surpassed "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" to become the highest-grossing film in a single market globally.
A 61ª edição da Conferência de Segurança de Munique (CSM) colocou as relações EUA-Europa sob intenso escrutínio, com tensões ...